Subject: Choose hope

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

~ Romans 15:13 NIV
Hope is all you need.

Hope is the vehicle in which your faith operates out of. The more faith you exercise, the more hope is required to endure until your faith manifests in the physical.

If you’ve ever talked to someone who has given up on life you’ll find that they have stopped hoping for better days.

The have given up on the idea that things will get better in their life.

In contrast, have you ever seen someone with nothing but still hopeful for everything?

They have absolutely no natural reason to be excited about anything positive in their future based on their current circumstance.

Yet, you would never be able to tell based on how they talk and through their actions.

This kind of hope only comes from trusting in God. When you trust in Him with your all and he comes through, it creates a hope for the future that supersedes ANY current situation you may be going through.

Even when you know you have more than enough reason to worry, you don’t. You can’t. Because you know the second you decide to worry it will counteract your faith and kill your hope.

This kind of hope is contagious due to its overflow. You see hope just creates more hope. When you begin to be hopeful about one thing, your hope continues to grow into other areas.

Eventually it will become so great that it will start to flow out of your life and into the lives of others. They will become more alive when you’re around. Dead conversations change direction towards life.

This all takes place once you trust in Him.

You don’t need money, food, or any other material thing in this world. You need to learn how to trust in Him.

In doing so, God will provide a hope in you that will not only see you through to your destiny, but impact and encourage others towards theirs as well.

Lets pray…

“Father today I am making a decision to never lose hope in you. I trust you with my entire life Lord. Knowing you can do better with it than I can. I will no longer let my circumstances dictate my outlook on the future. I choose you Lord…I choose hope. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
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