Subject: Can't quit

Hebrews 10:36 - Can't Quit

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (Hebrews 10: 36 NIV)

by Chris

Don’t quit.

It’s not only great advice, but it’s biblical as well.

No secret that life will definitely give you it’s best shot. Continuously sending trials and obstacles your way daring you to quit.

Waiting for you to surrender your victory to the hand you have been dealt.

But for some reason you don’t. You won’t simply lie down and let life have it’s way with you.

You have drawn a line in the sand and decided to walk in the victory of Christ no matter what the situation may be.

If you haven’t need to.

Not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because of the promise of God attached to your perseverance.

For a moment lets forget about all the benefits of not quitting there are, and lets just focus on the promise of God.

Do you want the promise of God bad enough to not quit until you get it? Has God made a promise to you that you are waiting to manifest?

Friend, God is worth the wait. His promise will be far greater than the pain.

If you haven’t identified a specific promise on your life yet how about this one - eternal life.

Remember, on the other side of every fear; every barrier, there lies a bigger and better you. A newer you that is one step closer to obtaining all God has in store.

This is what you should be focused on in the face of any adversity or circumstance. This perspective is key to finishing strong.


Never quit, never lose hope, and never lose sight of the promise.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for your promise on my life. When things get hard I will not focus on the obstacle but on your faithfulness and promise on my life. Your promise is enough for me. Lord help my walk encourage another to endure and keep perserving for your promise as well. In Jesus name I pray, Amen”
Remind someone how good the promise of God is...
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