Subject: Can't forget

James 5:20 - Can't Forget

“remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.” (James 5:20 NIV)

by Chris

You must maintain the proper perspective.

You can have so much going on in life that it’s easy to start focusing on your circumstance and what you need.

Even in Christianity, it’s easy to get caught up living right so that you can make it to heaven.

Both approaches are selfish.

You have to keep the main thing the main thing. And that is the fact that you were given salvation, not just to enter the gates of heaven, but to witness to the lost.

To spread the word of this great gift from God that you have received. And as a result of that you will make it to heaven.

God will move on your behalf more than ever once He sees your heart shift from what you need to what He needs from you.

I’ll be the first to raise my hand from being guilty on this. 

In fact, after I prayed last night with my wife I realized that I simply prayed for everything we need.

I didn’t even mention the needs of others. So this morning God gave me this word from James not only to share with you, but to put into action myself.

Blessed is the man who will lay down his life for another. God is not calling us to physical death, but a daily spiritual death that we may live out His full commands.

Reach the lost at any cost.

Lets pray…

”Father, forgive me for making it all about me. I don’t mean to. I know there are others in need of knowing a true Savior. I may be the only chance they get to be introduced to your love. Use me Father. Help me put my issues to the side for the sake of reaching the lost. The world deserves to know you and have a real relationship with you. I am your vessel. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
Men's Devotional Group Launch!

Thanks for all your submissions so far. Looks like a video chat via Google Hangouts is the preferred method to have our virtual group.

In case you haven't heard what it is about, or haven't voted, here's a refresher:
The Men's Devotional Group is a way to go deeper with the group of men who are a part of this devotional.

Every week we will meet virtually over video chat or audio teleconference for 30 - 45 minutes. In these meetings we will do the following:
  • Pick one devotional from the week to discuss
  • Discuss how it impacted us
  • Provide any major takeaways
  • Allow time to pray about any issues
If you've ever attended a bible study or life group, this will be setup very similar. 

So if you want to go deeper and connect with fellow men on this devotional just click the link below and let me know what format works the best for you:

Look forward to going deeper in Christ with you soon!

Brotha Chris
15863 Garrett Dr, Apple Valley, MN 55124, United States
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