Subject: Can you see it?

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

~ Matthew 7:8 NIV
You don’t ask for what you already have.

You don’t knock on a door that is already opened.

This scripture implies that there is something that you need that you do not already possess. It implies that there may be an obstacle between your current position and destination.

You believe it’s there for the taking, the opportunity is prime, you simply need someone to open the door for you.

Let me encourage you today that you may be operating in more faith than you have realized. Just by asking God to open the door shows your belief that the door can be opened.

For you to ask God for what you need shows that you view him as capable to provide.

Once you have released such faith it is important to open your spirit to receive how God responds. This is the second part of the scripture…learning to receive God’s answer.

Your spiritual maturity is required to properly receive from God. He will often respond in ways you are not expecting. Just because you prayed to God for a financial blessing does not mean he will give you money. He may supply an opportunity that requires you to act on to make money.

You might pray to God for a new business idea, and he may provide you with good health. Knowing starting a business will require a healthy and energetic you to be successful.

Whatever you find yourself seeking God for just make sure you have the discernment to understand His response.

The times I’ve been most frustrated with God are the times when he hasn’t answered my prayers how I felt he should or would.

God is faithful and will always do what the word says he will. You just have to remember to activate your faith on both the sending and receiving end of your prayers.

God will do it.

Lets pray…

“Father open my eyes to see your works in my life. I know your thoughts are greater than mine, and I will never be able to figure out your ways. But you give discernment to the wise. Revealing to me the works you have completed in my life. As I continue to release faith show me how to receive all that you have in store for me. In Jesus name I pray…Amen.”
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