Subject: Breaking the silence

James 4:16 - Breaking the Silence

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” 
(James 4:16 NIV)

by Chris

Healing takes place when confession is matched with prayer.

Most godly men don’t have a problem with prayer, it’s the confession part that holds them back.

It is true that opening up about your struggles in life is not always easy or safe. In fact, you may have been judged wrongly in the past for opening up about your sins.

No matter what has happened I know what needs to happen. You have to be willing to open up and talk about your sins with one another.

The reality is that every man on earth is struggling with something. Sins or thoughts that they are too ashamed to even admit they have.

As long as you remain quiet on your issues you are handing the victory God gave you to the adversary.

But the devil gets nervous when men start to confess to one another. When they become vulnerable to each other it provides an environment for the Holy Spirit to show up.

Once the Holy Spirit arrives that’s when praying for one another becomes important. It is the prayers of the righteous man that will instruct the Holy Spirit to move on behalf of every confession and repair the hearts of men.

Sometimes the healing you need in life is not at the altar, it’s in your willingness to break your silence and confess with your own mouth.

Each day make it a point to pray for one another. Pray for the Lord to bring someone into your life that provides a safe place for you to confess your sins to.

I promise you are not the only one dealing with struggles you are facing in life. That’s what the enemy wants you to believe.

The truth is there is more power in confession then there will ever be in silence.

Lets pray…

“Father, thank you for giving us the power of prayer. Today I ask that you give me the courage to confess. There are some sins I’ve been holding in for too long and need to release them. Lord give me a safe place to vulnerable. That I may bypass the judgement from man, and receive the healing power of the Holy Spirit. I pray these things in Jesus name. Amen.”
Men's Devotional Group Launch!

I'm still looking for input on the best day to start our Men's Devotional Group.

In case you haven't heard what it is about here's a refresher:
The Men's Devotional Group is a way to go deeper with the group of men who are a part of this devotional.

Every week we will meet virtually over video chat or audio teleconference for 30 - 45 minutes. In these meetings we will do the following:
  • Pick one devotional from the week to discuss
  • Discuss how it impacted us
  • Provide any major takeaways
  • Allow time to pray about any issues
If you've ever attended a bible study or life group, this will be setup very similar. 

So if you want to go deeper and connect with fellow men on this devotional just click the link below and let me know what format works the best for you:

Look forward to going deeper in Christ with you soon!

Brotha Chris
15863 Garrett Dr, Apple Valley, MN 55124, United States
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