Subject: Better together (your response needed)

Genesis 11:6 - Better Together

“The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” (Genesis 11:6 NIV)

by Chris

No man is an island.

You are not alone and your sins are not specific to you.

A big portion of why I started this devotional was to give men, like yourself, a way to safely communicate about struggles in their lives.

Everyday struggles that more men are overcoming daily than you realize.

Not just to focus on the sin, but more so on the Savior. A Savior that has given us total authority over all we face on earth.

But we must be willing to talk about it.

How often to you confide in another man about areas of your life you are struggling with? For most men this answer is - rarely.

However, the word states clearly the power of coming together with one vision. One voice.

There would be nothing impossible for us to achieve if we would be willing to open the lines of communication.

What a powerful promise!

With this in mind I’m thinking of starting a private Facebook group where we could all get to know each other and encourage one another in our walk daily.

With your willingness, we can open the lines of communication between one another and unleash a super natural power in our lives that will destroy strongholds and reveal the power of Christ.

So what do you say mighty man of Valor? Are you game?

Let me know by clicking an option below...

Lets pray...

“Father I understand the power of communication. Give me the courage to open up and be transparent among the men of this devotional. I know that by being open with my sin, it will free my fellow brother from the bondage of his. I believe you are doing a great work of healing and restoration. I want to be a part of it. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
15863 Garrett Dr, Apple Valley, MN 55124, United States
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