Subject: Always more

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

~ 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV
You just can’t beat God giving.

The more you give, the more He gives to you.

I’ve always heard this referred to in songs of praise pertaining to giving in tithes and offerings. How sowing a financial seed of faith will always return to you in greater capacity.

However, it is not limited to finances.

God is able to bless you abundantly in ALL things. God will always honor your generosity that results in him getting the glory.

In my business I speak to a lot of entrepreneurs who, in some capacity, get paid for their information. One issue that always arises is how much information should they give away for free.

They have a fear if they give too much away for free then there will be nothing left to pay for. I’ve never really been able to answer this question confidently.

In fact, part of me always wondered the same thing. Until God spoke to me and opened my eyes.

He showed me that no matter how much information you give out, he will always give you more. No matter how much assistance and guidance you give away, God will always give you more.

His well never runs dry of anything!

It is the release of what we have to give to others that opens up all that God has to give to us.

You have all you need in God. What ever you release towards others, in His name, he will return to you greater.

And when people’s lives are blessed with your great generosity, it is God who will receive all the thanks.

So go boldly willing to give unreservedly. Release God's abundant blessings towards others in need. Give with a clean and clear heart.

And watch God unleash blessings back unto that no man can comprehend.

Lets pray…

“Lord, grant me a heart of generosity. That my mindset will be shifted from what I can get to what I can give in all areas of my life. I understand there needs to be monetary compensation for my wisdom and insight, so help me define those lines Father. Show me when it is appropriate to ask for something in return and when I am called to simply give. I just thank you Father for showing me another way to bring glory to your name and the kingdom. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
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