Subject: Abused grace?

1 Corinthians 6:1-2 - Abused Grace?

“What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” 
(1 Corinthians 6:1-2 NIV)

by Chris

When you gave your life to Christ you walked into a life of abundance and true freedom.

You gained access to an unlimited source of provision, protection, and love. Don’t forget grace and mercy.

I remember when I first got saved worrying about everything I would have to give up in order to walk with Christ. As my spiritual man grew I realized this was the exact opposite.

The amount of freedom I experience in Christ far exceeds any form of freedom I thought I had in the world.

However, you must be careful not to abuse these freedoms. Even more, you have to make sure you are not taking advantage of God’s grace and mercy.

The Roman church tried to abuse grace and use it as permission to sin. They figured they were doing good by sinning because God’s grace towards them would increase.

This terrible approach to God’s grace was a result of a calloused heart. A selfish way to use grace for permission to do what they wanted.

In Christ there is freedom. Enough grace for us all. But you need to view it as an emergency fund. Available on an as-I-need-it basis.

Your heart should be to keep His commands and obey them through love to the best of your ability. Knowing that when you fall short you will be covered. That what you thought you could not endure…grace empowers you to go on.

Today do a heart check. Are you abusing the grace extended to you? Or are you using it to empower you to further the kingdom on earth?

Lets pray…

“Father, forgive me for every time I took your grace for granted. I apologize for trying to look for ways to sin and still be saved. Work on my heart Lord. Increase my desire to do right and my capacity to understand your word. That I may experience grace in the true form you intended it. In Jesus name I pray, Amen”

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