Subject: 24 hours

Daily encouragement for men of faith
"It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones."

~ Psalms 127:2 NLT
God has been dealing with me personally about rest.

As men our list of responsibility is far from short. There is always work to be done.

I recently found myself consistently running out of time at the end of the day. Feeling like I have a never ending list of things that need to get done and no matter how many hours I spend It never seems like enough time.

It often leaves me feeling overwhelmed and ineffective.

God gave me a word a while back mandating me to get more organized and intentional with my daily schedule. Unfortunately, I ignored it.

It wasn’t until recently that God spoke to me and told me that 24 hours was no mistake. He knows how much time is enough and he gave us time in a generous amount.

It’s all about how you utilize your time. How you steward it.

In all the hustle in bustle there was little time for rest. And when I would rest it would lead to me feeling guilty knowing there was more work to be done.

Friend, there is only so much work you can get done in a day, There is only so much you can do in a day.

If you’re anything like me, you may realize that a lot of your extra effort is a vain pursuit to make something happen in your desired time frame.

Instead of casting your cares onto God. Doing your portion and letting God handle the rest.

This was a tough word to receive because society equates movement as progress. As long as you’re doing something there is a promise that one day your hard work will pay off.

That’s true to an extent. What’s also true is that you don’t have to run yourself into the dirt in a pursuit to be successful. God offers you rest.

He offers you a promise that says that you don’t have to sacrifice your family and time with loved ones for prosperity.

God is a God of balance. He allots enough time in every day for both work and rest. We tend to get the work part down, but struggle with resting.

Going into the new year, I challenge you to make an intentional effort to rest in the peace of God more. When you work…make it count. When you finish your work…be finished.

Honor the amount of time God had given you everyday by maximizing your hours. Show Him that you believe 24 hours is more than enough for each day you have been blessed with.

More importantly…receive rest.

Lets pray…

“Father, help me to rest more. Let me not take on a bigger load than I have to. That I may be willing to cast unto you that which is too much or wearing me out. I receive your rest. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
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