Subject: November 2021 MCMA Newsletter

November 2021


As the school year is in full swing, and our new space is getting better and better, we are really excited to feel some sense of "normalcy" here at MCMA. There are a couple of live shows coming up locally, with several MCMA students performing, and beautiful music can be heard in our new and improved studios! In addition to MCMA news, we'll also introduce our November Student of the Month!

And as always, if you're interested in trying out a lesson to see if it's a good fit for you, please send us a message! We'd love to schedule you an introductory lesson.


Kate is an adult drummer that has been rocking in the studio for only 5 months, and if you happened to walk by the drum room and hear her, you would think she's been playing for years! 

Her drum instructor, Tom Ulichny unflinchingly nominated her and has this to say:

"I have so much respect and admiration for Kate taking up a new instrument which can seem like a daunting thing for any new learner... let alone an adult with a family and busy life. Not only did she simply start drumming, but she has jumped in with both feet (and hands!) and has made such tremendous progress in this short time. She's been a joy to work with - consistently absorbing new material, always prepared and ready for new challenges, and perhaps most importantly, embracing the process of learning without judgement and having fun with it! I couldn't be more proud of her and can't wait for the community to hear this awesome drummer in action!"


Are you as excited as we are to see a live show? We are fortunate enough in the area to have 3 local high school productions - Medomak is putting on "The Addams Family", Camden Hills' show is "Spamalot", and Oceanside is performing "Frozen". We are thrilled to have several MCMA students performing in each show!

THE ADDAMS FAMILY Medomak Valley High School Nov. 4,5,6,7th

MCMA students Chris Harris and Sydney Riley will be performing! Tickets must be purchased in advance. No tickets sold at the door. Head to to purchase tickets. You can also call 832-5389 ext.333 for reservations.

SPAMALOT Camden Hills Regional High School Nov. 5,6, 10,12,13th

MCMA students Emma Shackelford, Rose Fishman, and Emmit Dayhoof will be performing! Reservations are required. Head to or; you can also 236-7800 ext. 3282.

FROZEN Jr.  Oceanside High School

Nov. 12,13,19,20, and 21st

Oceanside students Scout Bookham, Anna Siletti and Hannah Hall will be performing.

Masks are required. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

Bring music to life! Mark your calendars as #GivingTuesday is coming up - November 30th! #GivingTuesday is a great way to support your local non-profit organizations. By participating in #GivingTuesday, you'll be helping MCMA with out new building costs, as well as helping our amazing students and instructors bring music to life! Follow us on social media for updates, live video and more.


Veterans Day - November, 11 - MCMA Closed

Indigenous Peoples Day lessons will occur on Nov. 22nd

Veterans Day lessons will occur Nov. 23rd

November 24th, 25th and 26th MCMA Closed for Thanksgiving

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