Subject: 🎸December News from MCMA & Music Together at MCMA🎶

   December 2022  


December is here and the countdown to 2023 is on! Read on to meet our student of the month, welcome our newest Music Together instructor, register for the winter Music Together session (now in Rockport, Belfast and Rockland!), learn about some recent faculty performances, and donate to our annual appeal.

December Student of the Month

Eliza has been studying piano with Abigail Nash for almost two years. Abi says, "From the beginning, Eliza established herself as someone who loves music, piano, and learning. She consistently practices, asks questions, and works through challenges as they come, without letting them discourage her. For example, she recently began studying triad inversions and octave leaps. In both cases she struggled to physically reach the octave distance and practiced until she was able to.

Eliza has a genuinely lyrical touch at the

piano, and naturally understands phrasing and expression while playing. Even in simple pieces, she displays a level of musicality not often reached by young students, and it's truly a pleasure to hear! Recently, Eliza has begun working on improvisation in her lessons, and joined a piano lab group. She enjoys playing with other people, and has a new-found love in improvisation!


Welcome our newest Instructor!

Shannon Burns discovered her love of the arts at an early age- dancing, playing piano and cello, singing in choirs, and performing in plays and musicals throughout her childhood and into early adulthood. She received her bachelor’s of science in Psychology with a secondary major in Music from Northland College and her Master’s of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling from Virginia Commonwealth University.

With over twenty years of experience, Shannon has spent her career as a social worker and rehabilitation counselor supporting children, youth, and their families to determine and reach their life goals. Having been familiar with Music Together for years, Shannon is excited to be a certified instructor. She loves the philosophy that Music is for Everyone, and Everyone is Musical. She looks forward to sharing the joy and fun of Music Together with Midcoast families.

Our Winter Session Starts Soon!

Join us for the Sticks Collection, beginning the week of January 16th!

We are now offering classes on Fridays at our studios in Rockport, on Wednesdays at Waterfall Arts in Belfast, and on Saturdays at the Rockland Public Library.

Click the link below to learn more and register to save your spot!


Don't miss this unique planetarium performance. Conceived, composed and performed by our own Tom Luther, Meditations on Perihelion is a multi-sensory experience inspired and informed by the changes in the Earth’s orbit from Equinox to Winter Solstice. Click the button below for a full description and to purchase tickets.

AGADI performance at the Pour Farm

Last Saturday, MCMA instructors Amory Raymond, Chris Pert, Tom Luther and Tom Ulichny put their improvisational money where their mouths are with a very cool, completely on-the-spot creation and performance using horns, guitars, hand drums, keys, effects pedals, looping and a computer. We can't wait to hear them play together again!


Our recital is coming right up, and it's always a great time!

Students and families: keep an eye out for an email from MCMA outlining our winter recital sign up process. If you haven't yet spoken to your instructor about performing, now is the time to make a plan! Our winter recital will take place on Sunday, January 29th at the Strand Theatre in Rockland at 2pm.

PLAY YOUR PART: Annual Appeal

We are incredibly grateful for the donations that have been made to our annual appeal so far. It means the world to us to have the support of our community. Thank you!

It's not too late to donate! Click the link below to help keep the music alive in 2023.


Winter Recital Sign Up Deadline: Monday, December 19th

Music Together Winter Session: Week of January 16th

MCMA Recital: Sunday, January 29th, 2pm (Strand Theatre, Rockland)

Student Performance at the PenBay Regional Chamber of Commerce Gala: Friday, February 10th, 5pm

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