Subject: 🎻 November News from MCMA! 🎶

November 2021


November has flown by, and it's time to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving!

Read on to meet our Student of the Month, learn about our annual appeal, get the inside scoop on our first Friday Makeup Day, learn about a new informal performance opportunity, and more!

And as always, if you're interested in trying out a lesson to see if it's a good fit for you, please send us a message. We'd love to schedule you an introductory lesson.


Meet our November Student of the Month! Duke has been studying piano with Chris since April of 2023. Chris has this to say about his student:

"Duke is a dedicated pianist whose curiosity knows no bounds. In less than a year, Duke has delved into a diverse musical journey, playing everything from enchanting music from Harry Potter to Waldorf melodies, to technical exercises like the challenging Hannon exercises.

Week after week, Duke's creativity and enthusiasm shine through, exemplifying a true love for music and learning."


MCMA's annual appeal is underway! As a nonprofit organization, we raise funds every year to support our tuition assistance program, operations, and mission. As our mission states, Midcoast Music Academy harnesses the power of making music with and for others, through equitable access to instruction, performance and community programming. It is vital to our mission that we are able to support all dedicated students who would otherwise not be able to take lessons.

If you are able, please consider making a donation this year. Thank you!


November has seen a slew of fantastic musicals in the area! Congratulations to all high school performers, directors, pit bands, and especially our MCMA performers!



Last Friday, November 17th, we held our first makeup day of the semester. Between group makeup classes and specialized workshops, the studio was hopping! It was a joy to witness students of all ages meeting for the first time, taking risks, laughing and making music together. Thank you to everyone - especially our awesome office manager Maddy - for making the night such a success. We hope to see you at the next one on Friday, January 26th!

Announcing our first ever Student Salon! On Friday, December 8th from 5:30pm - 7:00pm, we will host an informal performance opportunity for our students. Named for the 19th century fad of casual, in-home performances, this is a chance for students to experience a performance in a supportive, smaller atmosphere than a regular recital.

The Salon is limited to 10 performers. Each musician can choose their performance goal: simply looking for experience in front of an audience? Looking for specific feedback from an instructor? Hoping for advice on a tricky piece? The Salon is the event for you! Our strings instructor, Heather (aka Dr. Beers) will be leading the event. Friends & family members are welcome. Sign up below!


  • Thanksgiving Break: November, 21, 22nd, 23rd & 24th - MCMA Closed

  • Student Salon: Friday December 8th, 5:30pm at MCMA (see above for details)

  • Winter Break: December 25 - January 1

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