Subject: McDowell Minutes - September 2023

McDowell Minutes
September 2023

“You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11)
STS team meeting at site of GAP Year residential program to start September 2024.
Santiago Theological Seminary
  • Pray for our second annual theology conference September 22-23 being done jointly with Westminster Theological Seminary. Three WTS professors (Garner, Carson, Shannon) and Sugel Michelen, from Santo Domingo, will be speaking. Pray for high attendance and spiritual impact to the glory of God.
  • Although we tried to start the GAP Year this September, we found that recruitment for it did not work in the spring, but must be in the fall, before students make college decisions by around January. Since we were not able to be ready at that time with several key components, we are now planning to start in September 2024.
  • Pray for the last Certificate in Christian Counseling course in our first cycle on the topic of trauma. Pray for Dr. Trina Wisecup as she teaches the last weekend of September. Graduation will be December 8.
  • Pray for Julio and Alvaro as they work on recruitment of students for the GAP Year. I am also seeking to recruit a few students from the USA. See website in English (click bottom corner) at [making translation edits soon!]
  • Pray for God's provision of scholarships for our GAP Year students, which costs $5,000/year. This cost is a hardship for many families with an interested student.
  • Praise God that Chris Andino has started his language classes in Costa Rica, preparing to come to Santiago in the spring to teach for us at Santiago Theological Seminary.
  • Praise God for completion of preparation of Bruce's book entitled: Biblical Authority, Tradition, and Prayer in Roman Catholicism: A Reformed Response to be published in Spanish this month by our new publishing house (Editorial Gracia y Verdad) in Santiago.
Family Update
  • We have delayed our move to Santiago, DR primarily due to Kaleah starting nut allergy desensitization program that will take about a year. The Lord has also been using this time for us to take care of other health issues for each of us.
  • Praise God Kaleah has been able to start kindergarten just three blocks from our house.
  • Praise God for his arrangement of a Japanese exchange student at U of Penn living with us for the school year.
  • Pray for Anne, as she has applied for a couple of jobs.
  • One of the blessings of not moving to the DR yet is that we will be here for the birth of twins (boy and girl) to Bruce's daughter Brooke Nearman around the end of September to early October.
  • Meanwhile, Aaron and Abby's son Ace turned one.
Our grandson, Ace, on his first birthday with his first smash cake.
Granddaughter Jolene, 2 1/2, (left) playing dress-up at our home.
Prayer Requests & Answers
  • Thank you for praying about our family moving to Santiago, DR. It became clear that we should stay here until next summer, to move after Kaleah finishes her nut allergy desensitization program at CHOP.

  • Pray for the Lord to bring just the right students to become part of our GAP Year program as we recruit for next September.
  • Pray for Chris Istrati and I as we meet in November with pastors in Santiago and Santo Domingo to discuss how to mobilize their churches to become missionary sending churches to the unreached of the world.
  • Pray for many small and big decisions Anne and I have to make regarding our move, including what to do with our furniture. Also, what to make as priorities to do in preparing our house to be rented while we are away.
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Bruce's Website
Check out Bruce's website. There you can read his blog on things concerning Scripture, the Lord and our world, and find his books, sermons and recorded teaching: .

Santiago Theological Seminary
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GAP Year residence in mountains north of Santiago, DR
Luis Alberto Turbi (left), whom I met in Santo Domingo, wants to work with Chris Andino and me in Reformed church planting in the future. Pray for the Lord's leading in this.
P.O. Box 847, Bristol, TN 37621, United States
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