Subject: McDowell Minutes - September 2022

McDowell Minutes
September 2022

“Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3)
"The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)
Above: God's beauty and glory displayed in his creation seen on a bike ride Anne, Kaleah, and I took.
First Theology Conference:
In Defense of the Truth
STS's conference (above), the day after our first graduation, was well attended, especially on-line.
Santiago Theological Seminary
  • Praise God for a blessed graduation on July 15 of seven students with a M.A.T.S. degree, three with a certificate, and others with a diploma for auditing all the courses.
  • Praise God for a well attended theology conference the day after our graduation, with speakers Dr. David Garner, Vice President of  Westminster Seminary, and Pastor Sugel Michelen from Santo Domingo. Besides 200 attending in person, over 500 on-line, but over 70,000 later on YouTube! This has helped put STS on the map.
  • Praise God for STS now having the on-line software program needed to reach the Hispanic world with on-line courses. Pray that we can use if effectively. We now have students enrolled from five countries!
  • Pray for the Lord's leading as we recruit leadership and plan for our Gap Year program in Fall 2023. We have a likely director from the DR with good experience.
"Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers." Prov. 17:6
Family Update
  • We are blessed by God to have our first grandson, Ace James Homontowski, born August 21 to Abby and Aaron. He is a joy.
  • Kaleah began the new school year in NE Philadelphia at a pre-school where she had been for a few weeks in the summer and really benefited from a teacher with special education training.
  • We are blessed to have two internationals living with us, one from Colombia and one from Mexico.
  • As we pair down our household for our potential move next summer, I have already shipped about half of my rather large collection of books to our library at Santiago Theological Seminary.
Prayer Requests & Answers
  • Praise God for his answer for the right preschool for Kaleah this fall, even though a distance to drive.
  • Pray for a planned trip at the end of November to Santiagofor our family to locate the right school for Kaleah (kindergarten) and to find a specialist in autism, so that we can potentially move to the DR next summer.

  • Pray for the courses being taught in September on Introduction to Christian Counseling, followed by a course on Global Missions in November (taught by my brother-in-law Chris Istrati). Pray for recruitment of students for our classes to be successful and that the content will be impactful upon the lives of our students.

  • Pray for meetings with major donors and advisors the last days of November in Santiago, DR to be beneficial for moving our seminary ahead. "Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed" (Prov.15:22).
  • Praise God for his provision financially and logistically to be able to ship books, school desks, seating, filing cabinets, for STS.
Above: Pastor Sugel Michelen (right), from Santo Domingo, DR, speaker at our first theology conference.
Meetings over meals with STS team and guests discussing plans and having fellowship. Dr. David Garner, VP of Westminster Seminary (white goatee), spoke for our first graduation and first theology conference.
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           Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship
           PO Box 847
           Bristol, TN 37621-0847

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Bruce's Website
Check out Bruce's website on which you can read his blog on things concerning Scripture, the Lord and our world, and find his books, sermons and recorded teaching: .

Santiago Theological Seminary
Non-Profit Website

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