Subject: McDowell Minutes - September 2020

McDowell Minutes
September 2020

"Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked."
(Psalm 82:3-4)

" you the helpless commits himself;
you have been the helper of the fatherless.
O LORD, you hear the desire of the afflicted;
you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear
to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed,
so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more."
(Psalm 10:14, 17-18)
Santiago Theological Seminary
  • Praise God for a great course in September on Church Planting taught by Dr. Bruce Finn, who has taught this course many times at Westminster Sem. It has opened the eyes to many of our students as to what they can and should be doing in their own countries.  It has even helped a church planter in Liberia, Robert Luqui, who is taking this course from STS.
  • Pray for our November course on Counseling in Crisis, to have a great impact, as we open it up to the wider public. Pray it will also be a means to recruit more students.
  • Covid-19 has had a devastating impact upon the Dominican Republic, including the economy so dependent upon tourism. Churches' income is way down and our executive director, Alvaro Rodriguez, and his wife and daughter, got sick with Covid.
 Family Update
  • On August 4 we received an emergency call to take in the three siblings of Kaleah, as their current foster mother could not continue. Considering that otherwise they would be split up into separate homes, we did take them in! The past seven weeks have been very busy, with lots of adjustments. We already knew them from sibling visits, and they had prayed that they could come to our house. We have seen God's grace and transformation in their lives already, from professing faith in Christ, to going from daily fighting, crying, and fears, to peace and joy. Now they go to sleep without crying at night, are healthier and stronger, and are advancing academically. Knowing their story helps one see how the verses in our header apply to them.
  • Our foster daughter Kaleah has advanced in her development, having her siblings in the home motivating her to do more.
  • A Philadelphia court just moved to have our next court hearing in Feb. to have Kaleah's case heard as a separate case from her siblings, terminating parental rights, and determining she can be adopted. The goal for her three siblings is still reunification with their mother.
  • Mercredi has started his sophmore year at Haverford College on campus. He had a summer job as a math assistant and now works as the resident assistant in his dorm and plays on the soccer team too.
  • Praise the Lord my daughter Brooke and Kevin are expecting a daughter at the beginning of the new year. This will be our first grandchild.
Racial/Ethnic Equality
A sermon I preached this summer on this topic can be found here. I think you will hear some challenging points
Muhammad or Jesus
During the pandemic I worked on a book I have thought about for years. Pray that I can find a publisher for A Journey in Understanding: Muhammad and 'Isa al-Masih. Pray also that God will use it to bring Muslims to himself and encourage Christians in how to respond to Muslims.
Prayer Requests
  • Pray for clarity on how to move forward with the education of our four foster children, as on-line education, especially at a poorly performing public school, is not a good option. Kamaria (9) is in fourth grade on-line; Kamani (7) is catching up with 3 tutors; Kahiya (5) is settled in well in a daycare just two blocks from our home that teaches the Kindergarten curriculum.
  • Continue to pray for recruitment of new students for Santiago Theological Seminary in light of the pandemic, and for full funding to construct our classroom. About 1/2 of the goal of $25,000 has been reached thus far.
  • Praise God that we have been able to ship to our library around 800 English books from various sources. Praise also for being able to purchase over 700 theological books in Spanish that are ready to ship. Pray for provision of $550 in shipping costs.
  • Pray for positive response to grant applications I have been working on for the seminary.
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STS is seeking to raise $146,000 per year for the next three years, which includes three administrative positions. Contact Bruce for details at; 267-441-0734.

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