Subject: McDowell Minutes - March 2024

McDowell Minutes
March 2024

Paul preached: “And when they had carried out all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb. But God raised him from the dead, and for many days he appeared to those who had come up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses to the people." (Acts 13:29-31)
STS team, Bruce, Matias & Alvaro at STS graduation.
Santiago Theological Seminary
  • Our Certificate in Christian Counseling program has really taken off with the addition of a second site in Santo Domingo. We now have 160 students enrolled for our second cycle! The teaching has been awesome.
  • Plans progress for the start of our GAP Year of discipleship for high school graduates. We are planning to start at the end of August 2024.
  • Pray for Julio and Alvaro as they continue to work on recruitment of students for the GAP Year. I have recruited about four students from the USA. Let me know if you know of a prospective student who hasn't decided on a college yet. See website in English (click bottom corner) at .
  • Pray for our third annual theology/apologetics conference August 30-31 being done jointly with Westminster Theological Seminary. Richard Pratt (Third Millennium), David Garner and Stafford Carson (WTS), and Sugel Michelen (from Santo Domingo), will be speaking. Pray for high attendance and spiritual impact to the glory of God.
  • Pray for God's provision of scholarships for our GAP Year students, which costs $5,000/year. This cost is a hardship for many families with an interested student.
  • Here is a short video review of the past STS year: 
Family Update
  • We praise God that Kaleah has been having a good outcome from her nut allergy desensitization program for four nuts, which we expect to be done by the time we move in July.
  • Besides caring for Kaleah, Anne has been busy with hosting our two international students from Japan and Thailand and babysitting grandkids.
  • We praise God Bruce has the privilege of baptizing his daughter Brooke's baby twins, Miles and Camille, March 24.

Our grandson, Ace, laughing with Kaleah.

Kaleah holding her twin nephew Miles and niece Camille.
Prayer Requests & Answers
  • Thank you for praying about our family moving to Santiago, DR, as the Lord has been opening more doors. Kaleah has been accepted to Santiago Christian School and Anne has accepted a job as ESL Coordinator at SCS.
  • Pray for us as we make preparations for our move in the middle of July, including much paperwork for our residency visa in the DR, arrange to rent our house, sell our car, find a place to live, ship some things, etc.
  • Kaleah has made good progress in her nut allergy desensitization program at CHOP. PTL!

  • Continue to pray for the Lord to bring just the right students to become part of our GAP Year program next fall. We continue to seek scholarship funds to make the program sustainable. We also see this year as the first step to larger vision for an undergraduate program. Pray as to whether God is leading you to contribute.
  • Pray for God's provision and leading for a program coordinator for STS in his timing.
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          Mailing address for support checks:
           Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship
           PO Box 847
           Bristol, TN 37621-0847

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Bruce's Website
Check out Bruce's website. There you can read his blog on things concerning Scripture, the Lord and our world, and find his books, sermons and recorded teaching: .

Santiago Theological Seminary
Non-Profit Website

ACTS Beyond is the fundraising arm of STS. Donations for the seminary can be made through .

The STS website:
Below: In January Bruce visiting teaching team in Merida, Mexico leading certificate program in youth ministry training. We hope to add a similar program at STS.
Julio Padilla (above) is the academic coordinator of our GAP Year program. Pray for his recruitment of students and leading the program.
P.O. Box 847, Bristol, TN 37621, United States
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