Subject: McDowell Minutes - March 2021

McDowell Minutes
March 2021

     While on trial before the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ruling council), the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, “‘I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.’ ¶ ‘Yes, it is as you say,’ Jesus replied. ‘But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.’ ¶ Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, ‘He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?’ ¶ ‘He is worthy of death,’ they answered” (Matt. 26:63-65; NIV). As a means to seal his condemnation to be crucified, Jesus made clear his identity as divine, the one who came fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel 7:13-14 as the Son of Man who would come in eternal power and glory and whom all people would worship.
Santiago Theological Seminary
  • Praise God for his provision for our seminary in receiving a large grant from a foundation for construction of our classroom, promotion of the seminary, and developing an on-line program. God is good.
  • Pray for Bruce's plans to travel to Dominican Republic mid-May. He plans to meet with board members of the seminary as they plan for the future, produce promotional video material, do outreach, teach, and preach. He will get to stay with his niece Natalie Webster and her family. The trip gives him the opportunity to bring down helpful materials needed by the seminary, including books and a new laptop.

  • Since our library has greatly expanded, we would like to move it into a larger room that is more accessible to the new classroom and the public. We want to invite the Christian public to use the library. To prepare the room, a couple of walls need to be taken down, with ceiling and flooring installed at a cost of $3700. Pray for the Lord's provision.
  • Our seminary students recently completed a course on marriage and family counseling. Their next course is New Testament survey taught by Michael Roberts. Part of the course will be taught by a new Westminster Seminary NT professor, David Briones, who is very interested in partnering with us as a professor.
Family Update
  • Caring for four kids who have special needs has not always been easy. A couple of months ago we thought we had bedbugs, but after getting the house treated and no bugs found, it was finally determined the spots all over Anne's body was from guttate psoriasis, which was brought on by stress. Anne covets your prayers for healing.
  • We have the three older kids enrolled in swimming lessons at the YMCA and Kamaria (10) in a girls running team. Kamani (8) and Kahiya (6) will soon be starting hybrid in-person classes. Kaleah and Kamaria both had the same eye surgery this month.
  • Mercredi, who is currently out of school until next fall, is back living with his mother and four siblings. Pray for the Lord to touch his life.
  • Praise God for the birth of our beautiful first granddaughter, Jolene Ann to Brooke and Kevin Nearman.
Liberia Church Planting
In serving our brothers and sisters in Liberia, Bruce has been sending funds most weeks for the New Hope Liberia committee and individuals to help orphans with school and housing needs, a new church land purchase, and an annual presbytery meeting. Bruce has also been involved with consultation to advance the gospel for another new church plant in Gbarnga. He is
helping a medical student get the textbooks and scrubs he needs and they will soon be delivered to him there.

Congolese Refugees
With our involvement with the Asukulu family, we continue to host the kids at least monthly in our home and also with another team member at her home. We include having a Bible lesson and prayer. Bruce has been delivering city donated food for them as well. This month Bruce helped lead a seminar on refugee ministry for the Tenth Church Mercy Conference.
Teaching in Colombia
Bruce is currently in the midst of teaching a course (on Zoom) on a Christian Worldview for a group of about 14 students related to Calvary Church in Santa Marta, Colombia, where Edison Florez is pastor. Bruce has been involved with Edison's ministry for many years, as Edison has had a successful church plant and his church has sponsored a Compassion International program in an under-served neighborhood. Bruce has also been doing counseling/consultation for pastors in Colombia.
Prayer Requests
  • Thank you for praying for our three older foster children's education, as now the two younger ones will be able to join a hybrid in-person classroom (just announced!).  Kamaria (10) in fourth grade will continue on-line; Kamani (8) has been doing well in 2nd grade; Kahiya (6) is in kindergarten.

  • Pray for our court hearing on April 1 for Kaleah (turning 3 in April) to become adoptable. We have already submitted the paperwork required for her adoption.

  • Pray for the salvation of each of the children in our care. Kamani shows evidence of truly knowing the Lord and has made dramatic progress physically and academically as well.
  • Pray for another grant application for Santiago Theological Seminary, for outfitting our new classroom with furnishing and equipment. We expect to hear a response in May.
  • Pray for Bruce's continued work in finding publishers for his books. He has worked hard on a book comparing Muhammad and Jesus.
  • Pray for the future of our three older foster children, as they could either be returned to their birth mother any day upon her finding adequate housing, or they could be with us much longer. It is in the Lord's hands.
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Mailing address for support checks:
           Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship
           PO Box 847
           Bristol, TN 37621-0847

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New Website!
Check out Bruce's website with a recent blog on Refugee/Immigrant ministry and a hymn. There you can find more concerning Scripture, the Lord and our world, and easily find his books, sermons and recorded teaching.

Santiago Theological Seminary
Non-Profit Website

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A simple way to make a contribution to ACTS Beyond in King of Prussia is through your AmazonSmile purchases in their "Advancing Christianity Through Service" donation to charity option, by which .5% of your purchase goes to our seminary. Here is a direct link:

See the updated STS website, with some English translation:
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