Subject: McDowell Minutes - June 2022

McDowell Minutes
June 2022

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’ So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.” (Galatians 4:4-7)
Above: Entrance to 16th century R.C. Cathedral in Santo Domingo, DR. Below: Islamic prayer (salat) in Santiago, DR mosque.
Santiago Theological Seminary
  • Praise God for a work and vision trip to the Dominican Republic made by Bruce, but this time with Anne and Kaleah, just before Easter. Anne was able to envision what it might be like for us to live with Kaleah in the DR.
  • Pray for us as we are praying about moving to Santiago, DR. potentially in the summer of 2023, so we can have more direct contact with STS students as a mentor and expand the work through wider networking with potential students.
  • Thank you for your prayers regarding a property for STS. While we had gotten excited about a site, the Lord had other plans for now. We are still waiting upon God's direction and timing. In the mean- time, we will continue to use venues at a church and Christian school for classes.

  • Pray for the Lord's financial provision for the STS administration, as we are hiring additional help: a full-time academic coordinator, a part-time technical assistant/ social media promoter.
  • Pray for the Lord's leading as we are in discussion with an accredited Christian college in the USA with whom STS may develop a partnership for our undergraduate/Gap Year program in 2023. This could be a real boost to our institution.
Family Update
  • Praise the Lord that after nearly four years of having Kaleah (top center) as our foster daughter we adopted her on May 11. The following Sunday she was baptized by Pastor Jonathan Olsen. She still talks about her baptism as a great event in her life by which Jesus says, "I love you."
  • We enjoyed having Khadija from Oman living with us (above left), and having opportunity to witness to her, especially towards the end of her 8 month stay.
  • We are excited for the upcoming birth of our first grandson by Abby and Aaron (top right) in September. Pray for a smooth delivery and healthy baby.
  • We have begun the process of pairing down everything in our house, as it is a big job from decades of accumulation. Pray for this to happen smoothly, as it can involve some difficult decisions about what is important to keep or not.
Below: Explaining our adoption of Kaleah and our adoption as children of God through Jesus Christ at her baptism. J.I. Packer stated,“Were I asked to focus the New Testament message in three words, my proposal would be adoption through propitiation, and I do not expect ever to meet a richer or more pregnant summary of the gospel than that.”
Prayer Requests
  • Pray for an opening for Kaleah at the right pre-school for her this summer and coming fall, particularly one that can address her challenges of being on the autism spectrum.
  • Pray for the graduation of the first cohort of students from Santiago Theological Seminary (STS) with an M.A.T.S. degree on July 15, followed by a theology conference the next day. Pray for Pstr. Sugel Michelin and Dr. David Garner from Westminster Seminary who will be speaking. Also pray for Bruce's trip to Santiago from July 13-20, concluding with a visit to pastors in Santo Domingo.

  • Pray for Bruce's outreach to Muslims in Santiago, DR, as he visited a mosque there in April, and has been corresponding with one of their leaders.

  • Pray for STS to be able to get the infrastructure and personnel to have a powerful on-line program to reach the whole Hispanic world.
  • Pray for coordination and provision for shipping costs of a container from Philadelphia with furniture for STS, including school desks, chairs, shelving, etc.
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           PO Box 847
           Bristol, TN 37621-0847

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Santiago Theological Seminary
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Above: Independence Park in Santo Domingo, DR
P.O. Box 847, Bristol, TN 37621, United States
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