Subject: McDowell Minutes - July 2019

McDowell Minutes
July 2019

"I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers... For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love" (Philemon 4, 7).
Santiago Theological Seminary
We praise God for the ministry God has called us to with Santiago Theological Seminary (STS). In April Bruce made a second trip in 2019 to Santiago, Dominican Republic to teach a missions course. Currently, the 45 students are completing a course on O.T. survey. The summer term they will be doing a practicum of applying what they learned into an outreach ministry. Rev. Aris Sanchez and Bruce write the syllabi, study questions, and final exam for each course.
Praise God STS was able to receive approval as an educational foundation by the government in the Dominican Republic, and ACTS, the organization created here in the USA to receive funds for STS, has now received non-profit status approval!
Foundations for Reformation of our Faith

Bruce has just finished the manuscript for a book on the five solas of the Reformation which concerns their continued relevance to both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism today and which will be part of the STS curriculum. Pray for its publication and eventual translation to Spanish.
"Seek to show hospitality"
(Rom. 12:13).

Mercredi Accepted to Haverford!

Praise God that Mercredi-saint received a full scholarship, including room, board and books, to Haverford College! God has been very good to him, including providing a good summer job. Pray for him to develop spiritually in Christ, get involved with a Christian group on campus, and do well as a pre-med student.

Seminary Library Inaugurated

Praise God Santiago Theological Seminary has been able to set up a new library with shelving, seating, tables, AC, and software for operation. We celebrated with an inauguration event. Although we now have a good collection of books in English, we need to acquire many more in Spanish. A Reformed Spanish language book distributor will send our library all the book titles they have and ship them for $5,000. Let me know if you are interested in this project.
Prayer Requests

·       Kaleah's next court hearing on Sept. 27, where her case worker will be recommending adoption. The hearing on July 8 remained status quo. Pray also for our relationship with Kaleah’s family to represent Christ to them. Pray for a foster family for her three older siblings, ages 9, 5, & 4.
·       Our mission's (Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship) triennial conference in Birmingham, AL, which we will be attending the end of July.
·       Bruce participating in an upcoming symposium on collaboration at Westminster Seminary September 23 with some seminary leaders from Latin America.
·       Our financial support, at 65%.
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