Subject: McDowell Minutes - December 2022

McDowell Minutes
December 2022

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, 'Abba! Father!.'” (Galatians 4:4-6)
Above: Our family enjoying an outing at Longwood Gardens, PA.
STS team meeting with Third Millennium and a Christian Foundation in the seminary library in November.
Santiago Theological Seminary
  • Praise God for a successful first course for our new Certificate in Christian Counseling. Seventy students enrolled, some using our on-line platform, from Italy, Colombia, Peru, and the USA.
  • Praise God for a the 21 students who attended the world missions course in November-December. I gave one of the lectures on God's blessing to Abram to the families of the world. Pray that it becomes the start of a mobilization of missionaries from Dominican Republic to the unreached.
  • Praise God the large shipment from Philadelphia of donated school desks and other furnishings arrived to the seminary.
  • Pray for Chris Torchia teaching a counseling course on sexual issues in January-February. Pray that it will bring healing and a biblical understanding of our sexuality.
  • See highlights of STS over the past year on this short video:
My brother-in-law Rev. Chris Istrati taught a course on world missions in November-December. It revealed a great need for missions mobilization among evangelicals to go out to the least reached, as Dominicans have been used to receiving many short term missionaries.
Family Update
  • We praise God for his blessings upon us in so many ways, with good health, ministry opportunities, and a great trip to the Dominican Republic. Let us know how we can be praying for you!
  • We are blessed to have a Saudi student living with us, and a Japanese student arriving in January. Pray for witnessing opportunities and openness to the gospel.
  • Pray for the Lord to provide just the right house in a great location that is safe for our move this summer to Santiago, Dominican Republic.
  • Praise God that we visited two schools in the DR that would both be suitable for Kaleah to attend for kindergarten and beyond. Pray for wisdom as we select one school for her for the upcoming school year, likely the bilingual school that excels at working with children with special needs.
  • Pray for the Lord to provide for the additional one-time expenses involved in our family making a big move to another country.
Our first grandson, Ace, held by aunt Kaleah. Ace was born in August to my daughter Abby and her husband Aaron.
Prayer Requests & Answers
  • Praise God for a successful trip to the Dominican Republic in November. We have found an appropriate school for our autistic daughter Kaleah to attend, which is near to where I will be working.
  • Pray for our family as we make preparations for renting our house and moving to Santiago, DR in the summer of 2023.

  • Praise God for the course on world missions just taught by Rev. Chris Istrati at STS. Pray for more mobilization towards missions in the DR, and our role in leading that.

  • Praise God for his bringing together the people of his choosing for an all day meeting with the leaders of a Christian foundation. Pray for God's provision through them to further develop our programs.
  • Pray for God to bring all the elements together needed for the start of a GAP Year program in the fall of 2023: funding for the director, an appropriate house for the program and student housing, and recruitment of recent high school graduates as students.
  • Pray for financial provision for family's    one-time moving expenses to the Dominican Republic. This includes a vehicle, major appliances, bedding, furniture, shipping, and airfare.
 Above, right to left: Alvaro Rodriguez the Executive Director, Aris Sanchez the General Director, and Bruce McDowell the President at all day retreat to plan for STS.
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           Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship
           PO Box 847
           Bristol, TN 37621-0847

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Our 22 month old granddaughter Jolene, daughter of Brooke and Kevin.
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