Subject: McDowell Minutes - December 2020

McDowell Minutes
December 2020

"And an angel of the Lord appeared to [the shepherds], and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
(Luke 2:9-11)
Santiago Theological Seminary
  • Praise God for his provision for our seminary library. We now have shipped almost 8,000 books, including over $5,000 of Spanish theological books. We have also received funding for the shipping and for building new bookshelves.
  • Pray for tentative plans for me (Bruce) to travel to Dominican Republic in February while a course is being taught at STS. I also plan to meet with board members of a foundation we are applying to for funding  our new classroom. If Covid-19 conditions are clear enough, I also expect to preach.

  • Praise God for his provision of a new MacPro computer for the seminary through Missions Projects Fellowship.
  • Our seminary leadership team is working on plans for developing an on-line platform for our classes and seminars for the wider public. Pray for the Lord's direction in this.
Family Update
  • Caring for 4 traumatized kids, doing on-line education, meeting with 2-3 tutors for Kamani (age 7) and 4 early intervention teachers for Kaleah (age 2.5), and going to doctors appointments and 3 separate trauma counselors (one per child) has made our lives full! However, we see the grace of God at work, in their emotional development, and especially spiritually. They seek the Lord and are eager to learn more about him. They are also thankful to being in our home and express their love.
  • While at Haverford College, Mercredi received a bee sting that sent him to the emergency room and out of school for a week. Over Thanksgiving break he was catching up on assignments.
  • Kevin and Brooke's pregnancy is going well. Pray for a safe delivery at the unit in the Hosp. of the U. of Penn where Abby works as a nurse practitioner with newborn babies.
Liberia Church Planting
As many of you know, I have been involved in ministry in Liberia since 2002. I continue to have involvement with the New Hope Liberia committee. This September I prepared a shipment of many items of clothes, shoes and hundreds of theological books for training up church leadership. Rock Spring Church is hosting the library. I am in regular communication with church leaders as they lead their church plants and organize church leaders and youth retreats.

Congolese Refugees
We continue to be involved with the Tenth Church refugee committee's ministry to the Asukulu family. We host the four kids for monthly meals and Bible stories at our home, fix bikes, help with school work and frequently deliver donated food and clothing.
Prayer Requests
  • Continue to pray for the education of our four foster children, as each has a different schedule, and on-line education is not optimal for them. Kamaria (10) in fourth grade could use tutor help, especially in math; Kamani (7) has been making good progress with 2-3 tutors from K to 1st grade-level, although he is in 2nd grade; Kahiya (turning 6) is very excited to finally (early Dec.) be enrolled in the public school in kindergarten two blocks from home (on-line).

  • Pray for our next court hearings on Feb. 10:  first for the older three kids as to whether the goal remains to return to their birth mother, then for Kaleah to change the goal from reconciliation to adoption.

  • Pray for the two grant applications submitted this fall for Santiago Theological Seminary to receive funding. One is for personnel and the other for outfitting with furnishing and equipment for our new classroom and cafe.
  • Pray for a new grant application I plan to submit in January for STS classroom construction and technology, our largest request yet.
  • Pray for my work in finding publishers for my books.
  • Praise God for his provision for a newer minivan for our enlarged family, which we are paying down.
Partner With Us

Mailing address for support checks:
           Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship
           PO Box 847
           Bristol, TN 37621-0847

Be sure to include "McDowell ministry" on memo line of check so it goes to correct account. Include your email address.  Or preferably donate on-line:

New Website!
Check out my new website (previous one deleted) on which you can read my blog on things concerning Scripture, the Lord and our world, and easily find my books, sermons and recorded teaching.

Santiago Theological Seminary
Non-Profit Website

ACTS Beyond is the fundraising arm of STS. Donations for the seminary can be made through .

A simple way to make a contribution to ACTS Beyond in King of Prussia is through your AmazonSmile purchases in their "Advancing Christianity Through Service" donation to charity option, by which .5% of your purchase goes to our seminary. Here is a direct link:

STS is seeking to raise support for our administrative staff in Santiago, which includes three administrative positions. Contact Bruce for details at; 267-441-0734.

The STS website:
P.O. Box 847, Bristol, TN 37621, United States
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