Subject: IMPORTANT: A Major Milestone in Our Ministry... McDowell Minutes - June 2024

McDowell Minutes

"What's Happening... What's Coming... How You Can Help..."

June 2024

"Fear not, nor be afraid;
have I not told you from of old and declared it?
And you are my witnesses!" (Isaiah 44:8)

"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." (1 Cor. 3:6-7)
STS counseling class in Santo Domingo, DR
Santiago Theological Seminary
  • Praise God that STS has been provided with a $33,000 challenge matching grant from a foundation to which other donors contributed to make a challenge of $50,000! Please help us, as the Lord leads, to meet this challenge which will enable us to provide scholarships, hire new staff, continue our program in theology and to initiate new programs, including on-line diploma in theology, and certificate programs in youth ministry, missions/church planting, and preaching. These certificates can be used towards earning a degree. We have the personnel ready to be hired.

  • As we will soon be living in Santiago, we see a new season to plant seeds for the Kingdom in the Dominican Republic. One of those ways is through the hiring of one or more new program coordinators, as the Lord provides the finances. We greatly need additional staff with the growing demand for theological education. This request is not only from the DR, but from Colombia, Peru and Cuba.

  • In May I was able to attend our Certificate in Christian Counseling course on family counseling in Santo Domingo. Dr. Nate Brooks from Southeastern Baptist Seminary (formerly at RTS) gave wonderful lectures. We have 160 students enrolled in this program in two sites.
  • We currently have eight students enrolled in our GAP Year of discipleship starting August 22. They are coming from four countries! See website in English (click bottom corner) at
  • We look forward to our third annual theology/apologetics conference in conjunction with Westminster Seminary August 30-31. Pray for our speakers and the global impact from the Word via YouTube.

  • Our STS staff is receiving further training from Westminster Seminary in September. This advanced study will prepare our staff for globalization in mission and advance our credibility as a seminary.
Family Update
  • Thank you for your prayers for Kaleah's schooling. Santiago Christian School has enrolled her in full-time learning support class where she will receive small group and individualized instruction. As she acclimates to her new environment she can be enrolled in some mainstream classes.

  • We praise God that Kaleah has completed the initial phase of the nut allergy desensitization program!
  • The two international students from Japan and Thailand living with us have returned to their home countries. We had opportunities to witness to them. Pray that will bear fruit.
  • We are now packing up household items we are shipping to the DR on June 12.

Our grandson, Ace. We will miss our four grandchildren!
Prayer Requests & Answers
  • Thank you for praying for our moving preparations. The Lord provided a great house in an ideal location for us to rent. Bruce had a very full week in May in the DR, which included securing the house.
  • Pray for us as we prepare to move July 10. Praise God he enabled us to rent our house in Philadelphia and to finalize the large amount of paperwork for our residency visa in the DR. 
  • Pray for the timing of the expected transitions in our seminary staff this year. This is all positive for our growth.

  • The Lord is still finalizing our first class for the GAP Year program. Pray for his will to be done to bring just the right students. We continue to seek scholarship funds to make the program sustainable, which is part of the challenge matching grant project.
  • Pray for God's leading for program coordinator(s) for STS in his timing.
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           Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship
           PO Box 847
           Bristol, TN 37621-0847

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Bruce's Website
Check out Bruce's website. There you can read his blog on things concerning Scripture, the Lord and our world, and find his books, sermons and recorded teaching: .

Santiago Theological Seminary
Non-Profit Website

ACTS Beyond is the fundraising arm of STS. Donations for the seminary can be made through .

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STS staff enjoying lunch together
GAP Year main house near Santiago
P.O. Box 847, Bristol, TN 37621, United States
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