Subject: you're not going to like this...

You're not going to like this sad statistic...

…but I'm gonna tell you this anyway.

On Average, you'll be spending anywhere between 12-14 years of your life WORKING.

That is basically 25% of your adult life :(

And here's where it gets even sadder...

80% of people HATE their jobs.


They're going to hate 25% of their existence on earth.

4 out of 5 people you see stuck in the traffic every morning hate a major chunk of their life.


This is why the FIRST thing I teach my mentees is NOT to get a:

  • 1 Crore package

  • Build a 100K followers on LinkedIn

  • or to Get Hired as a CEO

Instead, I help them find a job that they look forward to doing every single day.

That ONE thing alone means you'll be happy for a major chunk of your adult life.

To me, it's THE most important thing.

I'm hosting a masterclass on Wednesday where I'll show you exactly how to find the dream job you were meant to do.

>>>register here for the masterclass

(you'll know EXACTLY what your dream job is at the end of this masterclass)

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chadraakar

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