Subject: you already have it (here's proof) 👇


most of you reading this email...

have at least 1 core skill...

It could be:

  • programming

  • coding

  • marketing

  • writing

  • analysing

  • data science

  • designing

  • sales

  • tech

  • managing

  • recruiting

  • finance

  • accounting

  • research

You've already been through a process of educating yourself in your field.


Despite all the knowledge, skills & experience...


For some strange reason...

You're still getting underpaid :(

And you assume, it's because of your skills...

....& learn more hard skills in your specific domain.

Rinse, repeat.

Here's the solution if you're stuck in this vicious circle:

You already have what it takes.

What you lack is: Positioning.

I'll give you a few examples:

  • If you're a web-developer who works for an Ecom brand that makes 1 Cr/year, you're in a WRONG position. That brand can pay you 5 LPA MAX. Not more than that. Instead, if you position yourself in a different Ecom brand that makes 100 Cr/year...then the websites you build will be worth much more. The exact same skills can now pay you up to 50LPA because you create more value.

  • Or if you're a content writer...Working for a blog that gets 500 visitors/mo vs 50,000 visitors/mo - makes a HUGE difference in the value of your writing.(despite the skills being the same)

  • As an accountant, helping a 1 Crore organization save 10 Lacs vs a 500 crore organization save 50 crores...means you've provided 10x more value for the exact same skills.

You just need to position yourself right, so your skills are valued the MOST.

So, to sum up,

you don't have a skill problem, but a positioning problem.


This is just one of the hundreds of hacks I've that can potentially ​double your salary.​

I'll talk more in detail about each of these hacks in the "double your salary workshop".

>>>​join the "double your salary" workshop here​

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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