Subject: why you need to be "impulsive" (a valid argument) 👇


You’ve got a decision to make...

Most likely about your career path...

It’s been on your mind for days…maybe weeks.

You’ve made your pros and cons list.

Analyzed every outcome.

But still, you’re paralyzed in inaction...

And eventually, the initial "excitement" you had on that subject evaporates...


Thinking things through is important.

But here’s the kicker…

Impulsive people actually get far more done...

You know exactly what I'm talking about...

How many times have you missed out on an opportunity

Just because you were too busy weighing your options?


I’m not saying you should throw caution to the wind

Trusting your instincts is something that we all need to start practicing...

If something feels right, it probably is.

And the only way to find out...

It is by jumping into it.

(instead of waiting on the sidelines and doing more "research")

Like for example,

You know the importance of building a career-brand.

You know you should be creating content.

You know you should be networking.


Hesitation freezes you from doing those things...

So here's an action item that I suggest:

1) whenever you catch yourself hesitating from taking an action,

2) bite the bullet and do it

3) It need not be a BIG scary task

4) but make it as small as possible - like saying "hello" to the person next to you

in a networking event

5) or writing 3 lines on LinkedIn & pressing the "post" button.

So, to conclude,

Whenever you hesitate, scale down & take the action - no matter how small it


And watch how you slowly develop your character into a "go-getter".


Tomorrow I'm hosting a masterclass where I'll show you exactly how to double your salary...

If you know this is something you need to learn - then don't hesitate on this.


>>>Register here for the masterclass​​

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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