Subject: why some get promoted "faster" & "more often"?👇

We've all seen them.

That top 5% of working professionals who "have it easy"...

They LOVE what they do at work.

They are their boss's favourite.

They easily achieve all their performance targets.

They ALWAYS get an award in every office ceremony.

They get back-to-back promotions.

How do they have it so easy?

The answer is straightforward.

It's because: they chose the right career.

Let me explain...

There are different types of intelligence.

The more your career is in alignment with your unique intelligence, the "easier" it will seem.

And the more different it is, the tougher your life will be.

No. We're not the same. Everyone can't do the same job.

Anyone who tells you that, "anybody can learn anything" is lying.

You probably could, but it's a waste of time.

  • If you're naturally gifted with creative intelligence, you'll make more progress in 1 month of learning video editing...…than 1 year of learning how to code using Python.


  • If you're naturally gifted with analytical intelligence, you're better off not pursuing a career in design.

  • If you've high agreeability & collaborate well with people, you need to work in a career that has a cooperative environment. Working in a highly competitive environment will take a toll on your mental health.

  • If you've low stress tolerance then you can't work in a career that requires you to put in 70 hours/week. But, if doing nothing & having a lot of free time makes you restless, then you need to pick a highly demanding career.

So to conclude,

We all have different types of intelligence.

No one type is superior or inferior.

But, you'll have a far superior career than most people as long as your natural intelligence matches the requirements of your career.

Choose wisely.

Also, on a different note, if you enjoyed reading this email then it shows you're a career guy/gal.

You want to grow in your career. Right?

Then, I'd like to invite you to my masterclass where I'll show you how to:

  • double your salary

  • land your dream job

  • & accelerate promotions

>>>register here for the masterclass

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

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