Subject: try this before you ask your boss for a promotion 👇


Before your appraisal comes....

Before you have "the conversation" with your boss...

Before you even ask for a performance review...

Here's one thing that'll set you up as a qualified candidate for a promotion.

It's what I call the "step-up" technique. Step-Up.

It means, to do exactly what it says.

Step Up within your role in the team. Do something that's not really within

your line of work, but you chose to step up and fix it.

Or in other words;

Take charge, without being asked.

Here's exactly how to do it:

1) Identify a recurring problem in your team’s workflow.

2) Something small

Like delayed reports, or miscommunications or client complaints

3) Without anyone asking you, create a solution—

It’s a streamlined checklist

( or )

A quick meeting to align everyone.

And, of course you're not gonna be shush about it.

After you've fixed the issue, send your boss a detailed email on how you

identified & fixed it.

Don't tell them anything else. Leave it at that.

When your promotion conversation happens, this will come up.


Simple, but highly effective.

This technique is done by leveraging one of the 5 capitals that can turn you into

a superstar in ANY organization you go to...

If you want to discover what those 5 capitals are...


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To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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