Subject: top 10 HAPPIEST jobs in the world?

The other day I shared a report on the top 10 highest-paid jobs in the world...

I got a lot of responses on that one...

That got me thinking...

Everyone on LinkedIn, blogs & career articles talk about the hottest, most lucrative & highest-paid jobs...

But nobody talks about "happy jobs".

So I've decided to list the top 10 HAPPIEST jobs in the world.

Here's the list:

1) Teacher

I can say from experience that very little things in life are as rewarding as teaching. Opening someone's eyes to a new idea, concept or way of seeing gives an extreme sense of happiness.

2) Psychologist

The happiness here comes from helping people improve their mental health and navigate life challenges.

3) Artist (writer, musician, photographer, etc)

They enjoy expressing creativity, emotional connection with the audience, and the flexibility of working independently.

4) Software Developer:

Surprising right? But turns out they're happier than we thought they were.

They enjoy the challenge of coding, continuous learning opportunities​ and getting paid well for doing that.

5) Graphic Designer:

Derives happiness from visual problem-solving and producing aesthetically pleasing work

6) Human Resource Manager:

Enjoys helping employees, resolving workplace issues, and contributing to organizational success

7) Real Estate Agent:

Happiness comes from the flexibility, potential for high earnings, and satisfaction of helping people find homes.

8) Veterinarian

Finds joy in caring for animals and the fulfilment of improving their health and well-being​

9) Firefighter

Finds fulfilment in helping others, the excitement of the job, and a strong sense of teamwork.

10) Data Scientist

Another surprise on the list?

Apparently, data scientists find happiness in analysing data to solve problems and make impactful decisions.

So there you go.

That's the list of the TOP 10 happiest jobs in the world.

Now this doesn't mean, these are the ONLY jobs you'll be happy in.

There's a pattern here...

The happiest jobs are the ones in which you get to:

  • make a meaningful contribution to the world

  • grow

  • have a strong sense of belonging & teamwork

That's the key to a "happy" job.

I'll tell you exactly where these types of jobs are and how to land them in a masterclass I'm conducting on Wednesday.

>>>Register here to discover how to land a happy job

To Your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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