Subject: this is the fastest way to build your career brand 👇

, we've our brandathon starting tomorrow...

Brandathon is a rapid career brand-building challenge where:

  • I'll be getting on a call with you EVERY single week (for 6 weeks)

  • Give you set tasks to complete for that week

  • If you complete it, then you'll have your career brand in 6 weeks time.

It's an easy process to follow.

This is NOT for all. It's for serious professionals who want to commit to the process of turning their name into a brand ONLY.

Here are the criteria:

  • You will have to show up for the LIVE calls every week

  • You will have to work on the action items I give you

  • I will hold you accountable.

If you think you're ready for this type of challenge then and ONLY then...

>>>Join This Private "invite-only" Zoom Call

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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