Subject: this is how I'd crack my dream interview...👇👩‍💻

Imagine this.

You get an email notification...

It's from your dream company.

It's one of those jobs...

Where the stakes are high...

…and so is the pay.

Getting this ONE job can change your career forever.

How do you ensure you give your 100% best in this?

If it was me, here's what I'd do:

1) Study the job description in & out. Go through the entire job posting word-for-word.

2) Create an air-tight case study of work I've done for EACH of the job requirements.

3) Research the company. Google them. Check GlassDoor. Check the website & social media. Check their LinkedIn page.

4) Look for pain points/problems the company is facing in my line of work.

5) Prepare a solution for it.

6) Check the LinkedIn profiles of people who'll be interviewing me. Look at their face. Look at their posts. Look at their achievements. Might sound weird, but

makes a huge difference in connecting with them.

7) Check my LinkedIn & personal network for people who can get me a "referral".

8) And of course, be prepared for the basic interview questions like: "Tell me about yourself..", etc.

If you do the steps above, then your chance of getting the job will be very very very high.

99% of the people sitting for the interview would never go this far. You just did & it'll separate you from the rest.

Save this email for when you'll need it.

This is just one trick from my bag...

Tomorrow I'm conducting an invite-only masterclass where I'll show you exactly how to land your dream job, double your salary & accelerate your promotions.

>>>Join The Masterclass Here & Discover How to Land Your Dream Job

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

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