Subject: this email has two good news 👇

Hello Friend,

I never thought this day would come, but here it is...

Today is a very special day & this still feels surreal to me.

My gratitude for you almost started overflowing ...

So I decided to write an email to you personally.

Here's the first good news:

Today is Career Branding Hub's 4th year anniversary!

It's been 4 years since I started this community that helped people rise with excellence.

As a community, we've rejected mediocrity.We accept nothing but a highly paid & satisfying career.

And I'm so proud of every single one of you who took that step to build your career brand.

Your mere presence has made a difference in my life. I wake up every morning to serve you.

Thank you for being a part of my life.

To celebrate this anniversary, I have an announcement to make.

Which by the way, is the second good news:

It's Happening!! We're ALL going to meet up again!

I got a lot of "yes" responses for the previous email I sent regarding the Bangalore meetup.

So, I've decided to make it happen.

It's happening on the 25th of May in Bengaluru.

Me & Himanshu Agrawal (who is a Jedi master at client acquisition) will show you the strategies that'll "explode" your income...

The agenda for the offline training is simple:

If your company is paying you 1 Lakh/month right now then we'll show you how to build a side hustle that'll make at least 3x of that. Which is 3 Lakhs/month.

This is a closed-door training, and the strategies you'll learn can't be found anywhere else.

If you could build a side hustle that makes you an extra 3 Lakhs/month for the rest of your life...

How much would that training be worth to you?

I could easily charge 1 Lakh for this offline event. And it'd still be a steal, in terms of ROI.


I want this offline meetup to be accessible to all.

So after a lot of painful thinking, I've decided to give the tickets away for just INR 9,999!!!

(travel & accommodation is on you. food & training is on us!)

But, it's our anniversary after all...

I'll have to give you a good deal.

Since it's our anniversary, I've decided to give a massive discount for the next 48 hours


Those who get the tickets in the next 48 hours can pay the early bird price of JUST INR 2,999+GST!

(Total: INR 3,539)

In 48 hours, the ticket price will be hiked back to normal. And you'll have to pay the full fees. No matter how well you know me.

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

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