Subject: this ONE question can change your entire career


It's not...

"Tell me about yourself"


"Where do you see yourself in 5 years"

or even

"What are your strengths & weaknesses?"

It's a much deeper question than all of these...

...yet 99% of professionals don't have a clear answer to it.

The 1% with a clear answer are the ones you see at the top.

The question is, drum roll...

"Why does my career even exist?"

What is the "why" behind your career?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with your career?

Outside of just taking care of you & your family's needs of course.

What do you wish to accomplish through your career?

Do you want to serve a particular group of people?

Do you want to contribute something to the world?

Or do you want to make a point?

There is no right or wrong answer to this.

It's completely personal.


You need to have a clear + emotionally charged answer to this.

Something that will excite you get out of bed every day.

How do you find the answer to this question?

  • Take an hour today...

  • Sit in a comfortable chair.

  • Grab a cup of chai.

  • And meditate upon this question.

(a pen & notebook may help)

  • "Why does my career exist?"

You will get an answer in an hour.

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S. Also, I'm conducting a workshop tomorrow at 7:00 PM on how to score your dream career. Register here for the workshop.

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