Subject: this 1-minute habit made me 7 Crores

I've been doing this habit for years now...

Takes me less than a minute to do...

But has helped me build a 7 Crore brand from scratch.

What exactly is that habit?

I reached out to at least 1 person/day - even when I didn't need something

from them.

I would send a thoughtful message with a relevant article, link, resource, or

introduction that would add value to them.

I did this EVERY single day.

And then...

When I needed a favor...

I had a strong network of 120-150 people from whom I could get it.

I was just a call/text away from getting what I wanted.

When I see people complaining:

"nobody helps me"

"I don't have anyone to support me"

"my father isn't rich & influential"

I prescribe them this habit.

And within 90 days of practicing this habit...

They naturally get more opportunities and a richer professional network...

Good things happen to them more frequently.

It's the law of reciprocity.

If you do good things to good people for a good enough time...

You will be reciprocated with good things.

If you want to discover more quick-hacks that'll supercharge your career..


>>>join the "double your salary" workshop here

To Your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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