Subject: these 7 habits = more respect & admiration from your boss

One of the first lessons I learned as a soft skills coach is this:

The way you carry yourself mattersA LOT.

A lot more than:

  • your educational qualification

  • if you're the first person to come to the office

  • and the last person to leave

People who carry themselves well, give a sense of assurance that they can carry the tasks & responsibilities well too.

They're more trustworthy than someone who is clumsy.

We as humans are wired to respond differently to people who carry themselves well.

It's nature. Not nurture.

So it's a wise idea to learn how to carry yourself well.

Here are 7 tiny soft-skill habits that'll change the way people perceive you:

#1 Send a Thank You Text After Getting Home From an Event/Party.

#2 Send Gifts and Handwritten Thank You Notes on Special Occasions Like Deepavali.

#3 Learn How To Have Meaningful Face-to-Face Small Talk

#4 Never Look At Your Phone During a Conversation

#5 Offer a Sincere Apology When You Mess Up

#6 Always Keep Up Your Promises

#7 Dress & Carry Yourself Well

(wear clean, well-fitted clothes for the right occasion)

These are 7 tiny habits that require little to no extra effort...

But makes a LOT of difference when it comes to the way people perceive you.

This is just me scratching the surface here...

Tomorrow at 7:00 PM I'll go really deep into soft skills + other factors that are affecting your career right now, but you're not aware of.

>>>register here for tomorrow's workshop here

(& accelerate your career)

To Your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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