Subject: the SINGLE most important thing to do (before job search)👇👩‍💻

I got a question from a career branding community member...

Question: "Sakshi, why are you teaching me all this mindset & NLP stuff? Just show me how to get a new job, FAST"

It was a fair question.

But let me give you an analogy...

Let's say you want to drink 500 ml of milk every single morning.

You get a 500 ml milk packet delivered to your home.

But, there's a problem.

Your glass can only hold 180 ml of milk.

Now, even if you pour 500 ml of milk into that 180 ml glass, you're still gonna end

up with only 180 ml milk. duh.

It's pretty obvious that you need to get a bigger glass.

This is the exact reason why I work on a person's belief system & mindset before we go any further...

I have tools & strategies that have easily gotten people to 300% Hike.

I have strategic plans for professionals to double their salary every year for 3 years.

I even have a system that'll turn your name into a professional brand in your industry.


If I give it to you, how much of it would you use?

If your mind has a belief that a 30% hike is all that's possible....

...then that's all you'll get.

Working on your beliefs & mindsets expands your glass.

You'll be able to hold more, do more & get more.

Hope you could relate.

Hit reply if this email resonated with you.

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S. Follow on LinkedIn to stay connected with me.

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