Hello Friend - you know the news.
Anna Sebastian Perayil's demise has been a whistle blower news on toxic work cultures.
(especially in prestigious firms like the Big 4)
Most people are quick to point fingers at bad bosses, unbearable work pressure, and the company.
Now I'll make one thing clear.
What the company did was completely unacceptable.
And they need to face the consequences for that.
Here’s a question no one’s asking: Who chose to work there?
Anna was highly educated and like many, she made the decision to work at a Big 4 firm—a prestigious badge in today’s world.
And, Why do smart people chose to stay in these toxic environments?
We live in a society where "A nod of external approval" defines our self-worth.
Since birth everybody asks us questions;
"Where are you studying?"
"What is your board exam marks?"
"Did you get into XYZ university?"
"Did you get a job during placements?"
"What's your CTC?"
Nobody ever asked us questions like:
"Hey how are you feeling at work?"
"Do you enjoy what you're studying?"
"Is what you're doing - alligned with your passsion & purpose?"
"Do you look forward to go to work every morning?"
"Do you come back home satisfied after a day's work?"
I’m not here to defend bad bosses or broken systems.
But, who allows toxicity to thrive?
It’s the glorification of other people's approval on how we live our lives.
And the truth is…
We are 100% responsible for the lives we choose to live.
The ones who nod, smile & appreciate you for:
Won't be there for you when you're all by yourself in your room - battling a breakdown.
We all know that.
Yet, we tolerate all this pain just for a nod of approval from strangers.
Because we chase prestige + we’re afraid to fail.
Now why am I telling you this?
3 years ago, one of my students, also a CA, felt this pressure.
She had offers from the Big 4s and other top firms.
She wanted that Big 4 experience.
But just months in, she was overwhelmed by stress.
She asked me for advice, and I gave her one simple exercise:
What matters most to you?
What will you never compromise on?
Are you willing to endure this for “growth”?
That exercise changed her life. She chose to leave. Within 2 years, she got multiple promotions in a healthier environment.
Same talent, different choice.
Blaming the company or a bad boss is easy.
Taking responsibility for your choices is where real growth happens.
Choose to live a life that's true to your own self.
Not for a strangers nod of approval.
I know it's hard to make this shift, since we're all porgrammed since childhood...
But - it's easy if you try.
Because at the end of the day… Victimhood is a choice. So is empowerment.
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