Subject: the 2 "invisible" signs of a good career (do you have these?)👇

HEveryone talks about the "visible" signs of a good career:

  • good pay

  • nice lifestyle

  • steady growth

These are great places to start when you're inspecting your career...

But...the problem is these signs are the tip of the iceberg.

The bottom of the iceberg has two "invisible" signs of a good career...

They are:

1) No Envy.

2) No Fear.

Or in other words...

= If somebody's growth doesn't cause "envy" in you. You don't feel "left behind". You have no negative feelings towards somebody else's success. Only appreciation for it.


= No new technology, no new company, or disruptive force will "scare" you anymore. You won't be in a constant fear of being replaced. Instead, you know the ins & outs of your industry's patterns, so you're technically "irreplaceable".

Then congrats you have a highly rewarding career.

(very few people get to enjoy this!)

You've no envy. No fear. You're secure in your capability as a professional.

That is the bare minimum standard I set for my career branding hub members.

Coming Wednesday (5th of June) I'm going to show you exactly how to achieve

a career like that.

>>>register here for the masterclass

You'll learn a proven strategy to land your dream job (with the 2 signs we discussed), double your income & accelerate promotions.

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

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