Subject: surprise...

Hello Friend,

Our community: Career Branding Hub is now growing.

And has outgrown the current fort we've built.

We need a bigger fort.


I've a surprise for you...

Career Branding Hub is getting a brand-snapping-new makeover.



We're doing a 360 degree reboot of the entire community...

Changes you probably wished happened...

(I heard you)

And changes that you never in your wildest dreams would've thought of...

(be prepared to get surprised)

Everything is going to get better.

I'm not going to spill the beans here, but on 26th Oct (next saturday) I'm hosting a "reboot" Zoom call where I'll reveal everything.

Block the date & time for this reboot event. It'll contain all info on how to navigate the new community.

>>>register here for the reboot event

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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