Subject: resume is dead (use this instead)

Hello Friend,

It's 2024 and there's a higher chance for it to rain diamonds...

…than a real human seeing your resume.

I'm not joking.

Most organizations today use AI to screen resumes for specific keywords.

And 70-90% of the resumes don't even make it to human eyes.

That's the reason why even when uploading your resume in many portals, there isn't a lot of replies like it used to be, back in the day.

The resume age is dead.


Try LinkedIn.

I know, I know...

Everyone is talking about LinkedIn these days...

But very few are actually using it well.

If you:

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile.

  • Show your skills.

  • Show your portfolio of past work.

  • Create content

Your phone will keep ringing with a flood of opportunities, no matter how bad the economy is.

Tomorrow I'm conducting a masterclass on how to double your salary, land your dream job & accelerate promotions by mastering LinkedIn.

>>>Register Here For The Masterclass

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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