Subject: read this book to stand out from 99% of the people 👇

It's official.

Humans now have a lesser attention span than a goldfish.

Thanks to all the reels, shorts & buzzing notifications...

There's ONE book that will act as antidote for this...

...and separate you from 99% of the distracted humans.

It's - Deep Work by Carl Newport.

This book will make your work stand out among your peers.

I strongly suggest you go pick that book up and read it page to page.

But here's short summary of it for you:

We live in an age of extreme distraction and short attention spans.

Thanks to our ever-bugging phone notifications...

And Instagram reels.

High distraction + Low attention span is deadly for your ability to do great work.

So the author suggests working in blocks of 4 hours where you keep your phone away, turn off all notifications, and have water and snacks around.

Get up only to use the bathroom.

This kind of extreme work environment will force you to enter a state called "Deep Work".

(thus, the name of the book)

When you're in the "Deep Work" state, your ability to perform a cognitively demanding job skyrockets...

The lack of distraction and extreme focus you get from this state, allows you to:

- produce better work

- solve problems easier

- learn things faster

And most important of all:

- gives you a sense of satisfaction & accomplishment when done.

I'm just scratching the surface here, you need to get a copy of this book and read it.

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chadraakar


P.S. Join my masterclass happening on Sunday.

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