Subject: re: inbox is full!


I got flooded with so many replies to the previous email...

...that my inbox is FULL right now.

So, it looks like it's ON.

Coming Saturday, (24th of Aug) - sharp at 11:00 AM...

 (3 hrs session)

I'm going to host a LIVE career audit session with EXACTLY 30 leaders...

In this session, I will personally audit your career on:

What exactly your next 3 career moves must be...

Please note this is NOT for all.

I WON'T audit your resume, LinkedIn, or anything of that sort...

We'll be going deep on your complete career path to date & the next step forward.

And it's a paid session.

ONLY if you have the:

  • 3 hours/week to take your career to the whole next level

  • the resources & funds to invest in coaching

  • the deep burning desire to leave behind a legacy


Here's how to apply:

1) >>>head over here to buy the audit session<<<

2) once done, then you'll get the link to the WhatsApp group

3) show up on Saturday (11:00 AM - 2:00 PM)

Note: The link above will expire after 30 people have bought the tickets for the audit session, because that's the MAX number of audits I can perform in a day.

Keeping your camera on is mandatory. Please don't join if you can't.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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