Subject: rabbit vs tortoise (the real winner) 👇


You know the story.

The rabbit & the tortoise go on a race...

Everybody thinks the rabbit will win...

But, the tortoise, slowly but surely wins the race against the overconfident rabbit.

It’s a classic.

But here’s something to think about…

Everyone’s always telling you to "be the tortoise"

Steady, consistent, and eventually successful.



The rabbit didn't loose because it's fast.

It lost because it took a nap, lazy rabbit.

But what if he hadn’t?

What if he had kept going?

He would’ve crushed that race.

Now why am I telling you this?


After having coaches thousand's of people to:

  • land their dream job

  • double their salary

  • or accelerate their promotions

I've found one thing: Speed wins.

Every single time.

The rabbits who:

  • optimize their LinkedIn account in a few hours

  • re-work on their resume

  • run a job search campaign

  • pick up soft skills


Are the ones who see quick potent results.

(and mind you, it's not subtle)


to conclude:

  • in the real world the rabbit wins against the tortoise, all the time. (unless you slack off midway, of course)

  • so if you want to accelerate in your career fast: be the rabbit.

I'm looking for fast action takers to join a masterclass I'm conducting tomorrow where I'll show you exactly how to:

  • land your dream job

  • double your salary

  • & accelerate your promotions

​>>>Register here for the masterclass​

(if you're a tortoise who'll do it "someday" then this is not for you, my community is for rabbits ONLY)​

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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