Subject: is this the toughest interview question???👇🤐

 Friend -

See, you just nailed an interview.

You dealt with the tough questions with ease.

A straight drive (Sachin style),

And that's when the yorker hits the boundary.

You didn’t even break a sweat.

But then comes the final overs of the game.

They hit you with a deadly bouncer:

"What are your salary expectations?"

You feel your legs freezing.

All the confidence you built up starts to evaporate.

You start questioning your worth.

"What if I ask for something too much..."

"What if I ask for something too less..?"

Here’s a two-word solution for this confusion: Industry Standards. 

Gather facts on the industry standards for:

  1. your role and

  2. experience level.

And then state your expectations, with confidence.

Knowing you're asking exactly what you're worth.

But I've something even better....

In the Career Branding Masterclass happening tomorrow, I'll show you:

  • The exact industry standards for your job role & experience

  • + How to get paid way above that

Join my career branding masterclass:

Here's Your Private Zoom Link: >>>ZOOM

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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