Subject: how to double your salary(in your current job)


You wake up.

Grab your coffee.

Sit down at your desk.

And think, "Is this it?"

You’ve been at the same job, with the same pay for years...

And the idea of doubling your salary seems like a pipe dream.

But let me tell you something…

It’s not.

You just need a plan—a system to get you there.

Today, let's focus on one powerful exercise to double your salary:

The Skills Audit:

  1. Grab a notebook.

  2. List every skill you have. Ex: (writing, coding, designing, painting, cooking, data analysis, sales)

  3. Highlight the high-value skills. AKA the ones that can bring in revenue to an organization.

(ex: writing, coding, data analysis, sales)

4. Which ones can you leverage to solve bigger problems for your company? Or better yet, for a new company?

(ex: your company is having a sales problem - then look for ways to solve it using your skills)

Now comes the best part…

5. Ask your boss for “extra” responsibilities that leverage your skill. Without extra pay. Work & track the results you generate using your work. If you can’t generate results, then that’s a sign you need to invest in learning more about that skill. Rinse, repeat. Until you crack it.

6. And then, like 60-90 days later, go see your boss with data of the results you produced with your new responsibility. That’ll be the easiest appraisal conversation of your life. If your boss doesn’t get you an appraisal, get a new boss.



This is just one of the hundreds of hacks I've that can potentially double your salary.

I'll talk more in detail about each of these hacks in the "double your salary workshop".

>>>join the "double your salary" workshop here

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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