Subject: how I chose your financial planner (full criteria inside)

Hello Friend,

When you're choosing a financial planner, there are 3 traits that we need to look for...

But since I've already chosen one for you...

I wanted you to know that I've already done the vetting.

And have found this gem of a financial planner - Salma Sony.

(who by the way is my own personal finance planner)

This is REALLY important because how you manage your Financial Capital

plays a critical role in determining your success.

Here are the 3 traits:

1) They must be SEBI registered.

(SEBI registered ones have a LOT more accountability, compliance & ethical standards)

2) They do not sell any financial products.

(They must make their money through fees and not commission from the products they "shove" upon you. This ensures unbiased advice that's best in your interest)

3) Must've been in the markets for at least 10 years.

(this ensures they've seen at least 1 complete market cycle from bull run to bear crash - so they know how to respond)

Salma - your financial planner, whom you'll meet today has ALL 3 of these traits.

I've personally hand-picked her after a LOT of hunting.

What she's about to make you all do in today's session is going to finally get you in total control of your financial life.

Here's the details:

Date: 24th Sep (tomorrow!)

Time:  8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

>>>>> Zoom Link

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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