Subject: here's how school failed you👇

Decades of education (school & college) ruined one thing for us... made us "fit" into the box.

I mean...

If you're "weak" at something.

Let's say, Trigonometry. We were put into remedial classes to make up for our weaknesses.

If we were weak at English, we were asked to write & read more.

If we were weak at making presentations, we were asked to learn more about PPT.

This may seem like a logical thing to do.

But here's the thing...

If we're weak at something, it also means we're really strong at something else.

Nobody bothered to find out what it was.

The kid who was terrible at math probably had really strong communication & language skills.

The kid who didn't understand chemistry was probably good at leading people & facilitating stuff.

The kid whose English wasn't good probably had very strong analytical & futuristic thinking.

Yet, we never went on to address that.

Here's my hot take:

If you're weak at something. Don't bother strengthening it. You can't have it all.

You're lucky if you're good at 3-5 things tops.

Your job is to find out what those 3-5 things are A$AP and work on

strengthening them more.

Or in other words...

Bring your 10/100 to a 0/100.

(without any guilt)

And your 70/100 to a 95/100.

Play by your strengths. Don't swim against the tide. Make success easy.

One of the first things I do for my career branding students is to identify their top 5 strengths from the 34 strengths that most humans have.

That ALONE is enough to help them build a highly rewarding and rapidly growing career.

I'm conducting a masterclass tomorrow on:

  • how to double your salary

  • land your dream job

  • & get promoted fast

​>>>Join The Master Class Here


To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

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