Subject: having these 3 skills feels like cheating 👇

It's like "cheat codes" in a video game...

Mastering these 3 skills will give you "unfair career growth".

  • Promotions will happen fast.

  • You'll get calls from all the competitors who try to "poach" you.

  • It's almost “impossible” for you to ever be unemployed because there's always someone who's waiting to hire you...

Welcome to utopia.

This is the unfair, spoilt lifestyle of the top 1% of professionals.

Ironically they "earned" it in a fair manner by mastering these 3 skills.

On a scale of 1-10 if you can get all these 3 skills to a 7, then your career will start

to boom.

Here's the 3 skills.

Skill #1 - Technical Skills:

The "know-how" knowledge of your domain.

And also applying that knowledge effectively.

You can build this by taking courses, reading books & listening to podcasts specific to your line of work.

Skill #2 - Social Skills:

The ability to work with people collaboratively.

Being able to communicate your point to the other person.

Being able to get things done from a team.

Skill #3 - Personal Skills:

Your personal productivity.

Your ability to get things done on time.

(without missing deadlines)

There's a lot more skills to this list...

(which I cover in my community training)

But these 3 is enough to separate you from the pack.

Most of you are really good at 1 or 2 of these skills, already...

But the magic really happens only when you master all 3 of these skills at the same time.

Your career will go nuclear when you're at a 7 or above at all these 3 skills.

This is why sometimes, people who have lesser technical skills than you...

…get ahead in their careers because of their social & personal skills.

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar


P.S. Join my masterclass happening on Wednesday where I'll go deeper on helping you build these skills.

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