Subject: have you seen Sundar Pichai's resume?


Me neither.


Here's the thing...

Sundar Pichai didn't become the CEO of Google by sending his resume to 100 companies in the silicon valley.

Satya Nadella didn't walk into the Microsoft office & become it's CEO.

Tim Cook definitely didn't go to google and search "Vacant jobs in Apple" and then send his resume to be a CEO.

All of them were cherry picked by the organization.

The organization reached out to the first.

And not the other way round.

I'm telling you this, because...

Some of the BEST jobs in the world...

Are NOT the ones you see on the job boards.

It's the ones that come to you.


How do you get a company to approach you?

That's by building a strong career brand.

By positioning yourself as the "go-to expert" for particular role.

How do you do that?

Well, that's exactly what I teach in my Career Branding Masterclass happening tomorrow.

>>>Register Here For The Career Branding Masterclass

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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