Subject: friends?


What's that overused saying that we heard in our high-school assembly?

"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

Younger you probably thought this was a devious propagandaa by the school

faculty to separate you from your close friends...

Today as an adult, we all know they were right from Day #1.

Speaking of which...

Here's a quick exercise...

  • Look at the 5 people you last called on your WhatsApp.

  • Make note of their names.

Are they the kind of people who push you to grow?

Are they helping you to become the best version of yourself?


Are they stuck in the same routine—

Complaining about their jobs

And avoiding any real change in life?

If your answer is the latter then you are in a pickle.

You need growth minded people close to you.

But, I also understand that, it's not easy to make new friends as an adult.


Where do you find growth minded people as an adult?

Fair question.

That's one of the reasons why I created the leader's community.

It's a tight knit community of 3,000+ growth minded working professionals.

Who push, help & share opportunities with each other :)

But we don't let every Tom, Dick & Harry into this community...

In fact...

There is ONLY one way to enter this community...

And that is via the "Career Branding Masterclass"

I personally cherry pick the qualified people who'll be a part of this community.

If you think that's you, then

>>>Register Here For The Career Branding Masterclass

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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