Subject: finishing your life's plan (continued..)

Hope you read yesterday's email.

If not, then read it NOW.

This is the second part of yesterday's email...

(on creating your life's plan.)

It won't make sense if you read this directly.

By now you have a list of your ideal vision of:

  • Health

  • Wealth

  • House

  • Relationship

  • Career

  • Travel

  • Hobbies

  • Spirituality

Here's the second and last step of crafting your life's crystal clear plan:

On the next page where you wrote the above, write the answer to these:

  1. How soon do you want this?

  2. How much Monney will you need to achieve this dream life?

  3. What resources do you have right now that’ll help you get there?

  4. How much time will it require?

  5. Is it possible with what you are doing today?

  6. 10 reason you can achieve it

  7. 10 reasons you can't achieve it (fix these)

  8. Set a date by when you want to achieve your dream life.

Take an hour to write these answers. It’s worth it.

Once you've written it.

You now have a written life plan.

Simply having a written plan gives you an 80% higher chance of achieving these things than you were 2 days before.

You're welcome.

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S. Also, I'm conducting a workshop tomorrow at 11:00 AM on how to score your dream career. Register here for the workshop.

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